Welcome my lovely readers!!! Please enjoy my ramblings. Best accompanied with a snack, but no drinks, because my hilariousness might cause spillage of said drink you should not have!! ENJOY(^^,)

Thursday, 31 January 2013


(WARNING: this is a very long blog post and has series spoilers, for those of you who have not yet watched seasons 1 through 7)

One of my favourite series, which isn’t really saying much seeing as how I watch like a bijillion series, but never-the-less, it is one of my favourite series. I used to be beyond terrified of the series, I watched one late at night when I was a young and naive girl, and it scared me half to death but once I noticed the awesomeness of the series I got over my fears and started watching it from season 2. And as the series progressed so did my love for the show, and when I realized that one of the main characters was my favourite tall loving boyfriend from Gilmore Girls there was no turning back for me. The show follows the Winchester brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles), on a mission to find their father who has gone missing. The show is full of supernatural creatures, like ghouls, ghosts, demons, vampires, werewolves, even angels (introduced in season 4). The Winchester’s are hunters of these creatures; they drive across the whole of America in a classic 1967 Chevi Impala destroying these supernatural creatures and defeating every new problem that arises. I absolutely worship Eric Kripke creator of this ingenious show. I, of course, have one very important opinion: YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED AT THE 5th SEASON!!!!!! I love this show but some things should just end when the CREATOR of the show says so. And it’s not as if I stopped watching the show or anything, I just don't feel as connected to it as I did seasons 1 through 5. Everything that could happen had happened, Sam dies (s2) and Dean makes a deal with a Cross-roads Demon to bring him back in exchange for his soul in a year’s time. Them Dean dies and goes to hell for 6 months and is pulled out by an Angel named Castiel. They then discover that the Apocalypse is upon them and that Sam is a freak of nature who is addicted to demons blood which gives him superpowers. The show then goes to a whole new biblical level, with the four horsemen, angels and demons fighting and the devil Lucifer rises. To end this impending end of the world the brothers learn that they are the vessels for the Devil and the Archangel Michael who have to fight to the death, with the victor gaining control of the planet and its inhabitants. Please note that this is a very simplified plot of the series. The boys, obviously, find a way around this ridiculous fight to the death scene and manage to imprison the devil in his cage in hell; this is achieved with the price of Sam’s life. And although it is a devastating ending it was a perfect ending. Every string was tied up and every problem solved and although Dean lost his brother he continues living and getting through his pain with a women he loves and a new family to support him. But then of course the network people saw that the show was immensely popular and decided to drag out the show. And this is when the weirdness started which is a strong description of a supernatural show. Sam returns but without a soul and they succeed in getting his soul back and then it gets even weirder!!!! They find out that Crowley is trying to open Purgatory or something like that and then its opened and the mother of all is released but then the awesome brothers kill her and then Castiel double crosses some people and takes in all the souls of purgatory and declares himself the new GOD and then some other stuff happens in between and I lose interest and just watch the show as a mindless loyal follower of the series. Then comes season 7 and the whole drama with the Leviathan becomes too tiresome and the brothers don't even drive their legendary car and Castiel is gone and I start to question the shows ability to make me happy. Then I realise that Eric Kripke’s name is no longer first when they show the Creators and that he has RIGHTFULLY stopped working on the show because it SHOULD HAVE STOPPED AT THE 5th SEASON!!!!!!!!!!! And with the end of that season I think that maybe they will stop and just leave it that the Leviathan’s death and the alive state of all the characters, but no, they go on, the season ends with Dean and the returned Castiel stuck in Purgatory. Then I sit there and scream at the TV, about how the show should just stop and how ever since Kripke left the show just doesn't have the same feel as previous seasons. But because I am a loyal follower of the series I am watching the 8th season and once again praying for the producers and network people to end this show once and for all!!! They are running out of story, they are running out of ways to make the brothers question one another and in the end just choose family over everything else AGAIN!!! So unless you don't understand my message in this long as soul blog post I will say it once more: SUPERNATURAL SHOULD HAVE STOPPED AT THE 5th SEASON!!!!!!  

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Date to Remember for 2013

This is just a few of the VERY HIGHLY anticipated movies of 2013. How beyond excited are you for this AWESOMENESS to be realized ?? I've watched the first movie on the list and it was BEYOND EPIC AND SO AWESOME I can’t even say anything....perhaps I should sing!!! (Because if you watched the movie you’ll know they sing everything in the movie) so ja.....ENJOY!!!!!

Update of a Lifetime

So I haven't blogged in forever. But I have been typing out blog posts just not uploading it. So instead of uploading 20 million posts I'm gona do a mass update of all the movies and series I typed about or thought about typing about(does that sentence make sense???). OK here we go.....
Series I'm obsessed with again since the beginning of the new season; Suits, Breaking Bad, and Vampire Diaries season 4 of course, 2 broke Girls, New Girl, Greys Anatomy, Glee, and Supernatural (reluctantly), and all those other ones I'm sure I'm forgetting. I also just wanted to state how much I LOVE Supernatural before I say how much I HATE season 8!!! My only reasoning for this is that they should have stopped at season 5!!!! (That is a post I will upload later, it’s just too good to not give to my fans, assuming people care about my blog). New series that make me happy HAVE to include Bunheads, which is basically a newer version of Gilmore Girls. Scandal, or as we South Africans know it, The Fixer which is by far the AWESOMEST new show on TV!!!! And then there's the, at first intriguing, now absolutely boring and horrible Smash. I mean I love the concept and yes thank you Debra Messing for being so amazeballs, but OH MY GOSH!!! That show sucks ASS!!! The only reason I watch it is because every now and then there's an awesome stage number of brilliance. Also Happy Endings is a GREAT show; it’s one of those How I Met Your Mother/Will and Grace/Friends series of a group of friends that makes one jealous and hate your own friends for not being so AWSOME!!!!   I think that's it for the series portion now on to the movies.
MOVIE MOVIES MOVIES!!!! The HELL NO includes: Battleship, Killer Joe, Step Up 4 (really another one???), The Amazing SpiderNO and to many others to mention plus then I’ll have to recall that horrible sad memory of stupid movies. LOVED TED, very funny plus Mark Wahlburg so why would one ever say no???? The Dark Knight Rises = YES!!!! Breaking Dawn Part 2 which will deffos have an individual post because I'm so Twilight crazy and a good and proper goodbye to the series must be had. Jack Reacher, not horrible actually nice and just a little enjoyable. Pitch Perfect, OMG YES YES YES!!!! Girls singing and looking GORGEOUS while doing it is a definite ‘buy as soon as it comes out’ movie. All the Snow White inspired movies is a YES. Other YESES include: Safe, Dark Shadow, What to Expect When Expecting, Brave, and Total Recall. With the best movie of 2012 going to the one the only The AVENGERS!!!!! And my favouritest movie of this year so far is....drum roll please.....The Perks of Being Wallflower, yes it was out 7 years ago everywhere else in the world but only came here this year.
If you’ve read all my posts so far I’d like to say thank you for the support and apologise for keeping my awesome thoughts from you for so long. And yes I realize I haven't said it yet, so I will type the words you crave to see. BEST MOVIE(S AND SERIES) EVER!!!!!!!