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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Avengers Movie Review

This is officially my favouritest movie of the year and yes the year is not evens half over and there are still a million and one movies to come out, but this is my favourite. It was so beyond EPIC, from the first scene it was like BOOM, BANG, CRASH and any other action sounds you can come up with!!! And dare I say that it was worth the 3D glasses headache!!! I LOVED THE MOVIE!!! It’s the type of movie that once it’s over you want to press play again and again and again!!! (Singing Lady GaGa in my head now!!)
So let’s just recap on the gist of the story: a group of superheroes and elite special agents and solders are grouped together by a government division know as S.H.I.E.L.D. They have been assembled to fight against a brute unknown force wanting to take over the world; the group is code named The Avengers initiative. The super villain in this film is Loki a Norse God played by Tom Hiddleston ; he has come to earth to find the Tesseract (the square blue light thingy from Captain America) so he can open a portal to another world and let in his army of weird alien stuff (can’t remember the actual name). The Avengers are then brought together to fight against him and prevent this impending war. The team includes: Hulk/Bruce Banner played by Mark Ruffalo, Thor (Loki’s half brother and the Norse God of Lighting) played by Chris Hemsworth, Captain America played by the gorgeous and amazingly talented Chris Evans, Iron Man/Tony Stark play by no one other than the awesome Robert Downey Jr.; Also Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff play by Scarlett Johansson, Hawkeye/Clint Barton played by Jeremy Renner and Nick Fury the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D played by Samuel L Jackson. Loki uses his powers and persuades Hawkeye and one of the S.H.I.E.L.D physicists Dr. Erik Selvig played by Stellan Skarsgard to join him in finding the cube (Tesseract). So now, after they’ve clearly established the good and bad people in the film the movie is all about how the Avengers must work together as a team to save the world, which is of course a difficult task seeing as how they are all such leading role characters and don't necessarily play nice with others. As the movie progresses they see that they bring out the best in each other and when the portal is eventually opened they can fight together like a well oiled machine of AWESOMENESS!!!!!!! The actors played their characters brilliantly especially those we hadn’t met before like Hawkeye and the new Hulk dude and even the S.H.I.E.L.D agent Maria Hill played by Cobie Smulders (Robin Schebatsky from How I Met Your Mother ) who even knew she would be in the film and be such an amazing character??
Know let’s get to my critiques of the film....there are none!!! I loved absolutely everything about the movie. I mean, I even like that is was in 3D and if you didn't know this already I kinda hate 3D movies!!! The action in this movie was EPIC and there was a certain level of comedy that was expected but also unexpected (if you know what I mean). It wasn't too long and had just the right amount of drama. I have been waiting for this movie for-like-ever and when it finally came out I was second in line to watch it and the first idiot to want to stand up and clap hands at the end of the movie. And being that this was a Marvel film I stayed until the end of the credits to see if there were any hidden scenes and yes there was one!! But don't even ask me what they said or did in the scene because the stupid movie theatre people put the lights on and I could see nothing. But from the 3 seconds I could make out it was the dude Loki was in alliance with saying something about taking over the world himself, so I guess we have a villain for the second movie. We also have several other Marvel films coming up, like Captain America 2 and Iron Man 3, so I doubt we have to worry about a new villain so soon. Anyways...back to the movie...my favourite parts of the movie is any scene with Iron Man in it!!! Anything he says is so arrogant and condescending and laced with so much sarcasm it makes my heart skip a beat. I love it when Loki says “I have an army” and he says “Well, we have a Hulk!!” My other favourite line in the film is when Captain America is giving out orders to the team and then looks at the Hulk and just says: “Hulk...SMASH” Hahahahaha!!!
It was definitely worth the trip to the movie theatre and worth every extra rand spent on the 3D-ness of it all. I highly recommend this film and hope that you will enjoy it or have enjoyed it as much as I did!!! So now to close off I say the words I know you want to read......BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Jam-packed full of action, humor, special effects, and superheroes, The Avengers is the perfect way to start off the Summer blockbuster season. I hope that Whedon returns for the sequel that they're talking about doing, but then again, it may be another 4 years until we get to see that again. Nice review. I wonder what will be a bigger flick this Summer: this or The Dark Knight Rises? Can't wait to see that one either!

  2. the new one is already in the worksand said to be release sometimes next year!!! so we can definitly look forwrd to that!!! and yes i cant wait for Dark Knight Rises!! but I'll judge it and choose my favourite when the time comes!!! thanx for reading my blog!!!
